All SAME member organisations adopted the Solidarity Action Day concept slightly differently. Nevertheless, we defined Basic Common Principles and Quality Guidelines. Both the Quality Guidelines and the Basic Common Principles pose a constant challenge and reminder for all member organisations to improve their work in order to achieve the full potential and impact the Action Day holds. Besides the Basic Common Principles and Quality Guidelines, we developed the Core Values which define how youth get involved, take a stand and act on different levels in the organisation.
Quality Guidelines
The Quality Guidelines have various roles within the SAME network. Firstly, they explore our common ground more thoroughly than the Basic Common Principles.
Secondly, the Quality Guidelines help organisations to stand back and evaluate their work. They give an overview of the six quality dimensions we believe are important when working towards a better Solidarity Action Day: recognition & appreciation, opportunities of learning, diversity, objectives & goals, effectiveness & results and last but not least, sustainability.
Finally, the Quality Guidelines can be used to support new Action Day initiatives by supplying them with a concrete list of things they should take into account in order to ensure a good quality Action Day from the first edition.